In first grade my teacher gave out awards at the end of the year. There was your typical, most athletic, most smart, most likely to succeed. I kept waiting for my turn and when it came… Mine was the “WHY?” award. Yep. I was that kid that kept asking why and wouldn’t shut up.

While I was fairly certain that was made up (because printed paper awards are so official to begin with) it was nonetheless accurate. My favorite question is… Why?

Anyone else want to know that too?


A Little More

Lately I’ve become a fan of the TLDR style so if you want to read my vainglorious description of myself feel free. Otherwise just stick with the happy blurb up above.

I am someone who has a hard time deciding things. It’s a weakness but also lately a strength. It allows me to try many different things and always be on the lookout for new hobbies, foods, writing styles, and even jobs to try.

That’s also why free-lance editing and writing drew me in. I’m not limited by one specific genre or style and can experiment with all sorts of different subjects.

Blogging has added to my interest in trying new things. I have a ready made excuse to try out things I’ve never done before which has led me to look into making wedding cakes and even selling my own hair.

I love how varied and different the world is and learning all about it keeps me engaged and interested and actually gets me to leave my house once in a while.
