Disaccharidase Recipes: Grilled Guacamole Chicken

Disaccharidase Recipes: Grilled Guacamole Chicken

Experimenting with food was definitely not something I thought I’d be doing in my life. Not that I’m complaining. Creating recipes from scratch/modifying them to fit a strict diet has been fairly exciting. And I’m definitely keeping them around because they were a nice change from the food rut I was in.

Anyway quick recap and then on to the recipe. My husband was diagnosed with Disaccharidase Deficiencies and the doctor recommended a lactose, maltose, and sucrose free diet in order to help. After four weeks you can start adding in some foods that have those types of sugars and starches back in and see if your body reacts. This was one of the recipes I created for him because he loves grilled meat but isn’t the biggest fan of veggies. There. Intro done. I’ll get wordy after but first… Recipe!

So for the chicken I tried making it two different ways. The first time I just had some grilled chicken patties that I was able to cook in the oven and then serve. Easy peasy. The second time I got some boneless, skinless chicken breast and used my grilled it on my electric grill until it reached the 165 safe temperature. For the rest I just chopped veggies and mixed it all up while the chicken was cooking.

I’ve also done a variation of this with melted cheese on the chicken and no guacamole so that’s a way to switch up the same menu item a bit.

With all of these foods I wanted to get as much protein and healthy fats in each meal in order to feel full and satisfied and not lose out on calories. I could stand to lose a few pounds but my husband is fit as fit so he really needed to maintain and not lost anything. That has been the biggest trouble with this diet: calorie maintenance. We had to cut all grains, sugars, and a bunch of starches from our regular diet. That mostly just leaves protein and even that was limited. There can be no cured preserved meats and only certain kinds of cheeses so it gets pretty tricky. Because of this I tried to add whatever I could to bulk up calories. This was tricky in the beginning because, while I know the recommended servings for everything, coming up with calorie specific substitutes was completely foreign. I only lost a pound though so I must have done something right.

Anyone want to see more of these? Let me know!

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Disaccharidase Deficiencies

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