Lalabu Kerier: The Next Best Soothe Shirt

Lalabu Kerier: The Next Best Soothe Shirt

Yes that’s how you spell it. It’s the owner’s name and it just so happens to be the perfect name for a baby carrier. I think it’s pretty cute.

I’ve been waiting for something like this all year. No. Since my first kid. So…… I bought one within minutes of it releasing. Yes I might be a sucker for baby gadgets. My mom says she’s never seen so many doo dads and gizmos as I have for child rearing. I mean I’ve got a swing and a couple carriers and shirts and toys… It might be time to purge.

I don’t regret this purchase at all. I wasn’t sure about the design because I’m still not a big fan of the wrap style. But after trying it out I’m sold. That’s it as far as wrap up as well. If you like the soothe shirt you’ll be happy with this. If you like to wear your baby you’ll be happy with this. If you like baby stuff you’ll be happy with this.

I got a soothe shirt for my first baby four years ago and absolutely loved it. It was so nice for keeping him close and nursing after he got too big for it. With my second baby I used my soothe shirt for hiking and walking and just being able to be outside while still being able to push my older boy in the stroller/hold his hand on hikes.

However, thanks to 2020 life I’ve been spending a LOT more time at home with both my kids and it’s hard to juggle the needs of one without neglecting the other and still get my work done. Lately my baby is getting heavy enough that I don’t just want to one arm carry him all over and he’s getting very clingy. I have a baby bjorn that he dislikes it because it’s too tight and he’s a self soother that needs his fingers. I also have a basic pack that I can wear him on my back/front but I can’t get him on the back by myself. I keep it close by but it’s a lot of buckles and cinching and adjusting to get him happy. Plus I’m taking him in and out every 20-30 minutes and then I have to do it all over again.

And then just last week I saw that this released. I love my Lalabu soothe shirt because of the ease of getting my baby in and out. This one seemed similar. Last time I agonized for months over buying one but this time I didn’t hesitate. I clicked buy and eagerly watched the mail. Of course it came on the night that I worked late so I didn’t get to play with it right away. I love how it came though.


They have some great how to videos on the website and a step by step manual that comes with it. I’ve linked their website here. After watching the videos it took me about five minutes to get the straps in line and on my body. For wearing on the front you just cross them and then thread them through the hooks. Then, when you’re ready to put your baby in you grab the two straps and put them over your head and your baby’s and thread your arms through.

I took it on and off a few times before adding my little one but even with him it took a matter of seconds to be ready to wear. That night I took it to the store and wore him for a good hour while we Christmas shopped. Rather than shrieking his merry way through the store about the indignity of being stuck in his car seat he just cuddled contently against my chest. I LOVE the head covering for right now as well. It helped me keep him covered but not smothered and he could still peek out of the side. I couldn’t believe how quiet he stayed!


Over the next few days I’ve adjusted things here and there. I’ve changed the straps and raised the waist strap a little to rest above my hips rather than on them but I love that it’s so customizable. As long as you pay attention to the arrows printed right on the fabric (seriously. This way up. Love it.) it’s pretty hard to get wrong.

I’m still not sure about the wrap “look” but I never will be. It’s a personal preference thing. However I do think it looks great on so I’m happy. Beyond happy.

Oh. And the best part? It has a pocket on the back that it folds up into. Seriously. It fits in my hand! And I can stow the entire thing in the diaper bag or even my purse.

Then I just whip it out when I get to the store or wherever I’m going. It seriously cuts down on bulk. My other carrier had to be stowed in an entirely separate bag in my trunk and I would always forget to get it out of the car. Seriously planning on there part and it’s AWESOME. And it’ll last for the next year and a half easily.

I also love the fabric they use in their products. They are ultra soft and cuddly. It feels like you’re wearing a hug.

I’d definitely check out their website right now. One color is already sold out and they have a Black Friday sale going on that makes it even cheaper than what I paid. (Should have waited. But happy I didn’t.)


If you get one of these or one of their soothe shirts definitely let me know. I’ve been loving it. My back has been too.

Here’s their website so you can take a look. Enjoy!

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